Friday, June 5, 2009

Just Some More Adventures!

We went swimming this week with aunt "Car Car" (Carly). We had a blast! There was a little pool only a foot deep and Leni LOVED it! The only problem was she can't swim, but she thought she could. Well it was a bit stressful because she is becoming more and more independent and she did not want me following her around, well until she has swim lessons she is going to have to deal with me!

Oh... she was so hungry after swimming that she was downing these chips. At least they were baked and not the regular chips...
I have started yet another project. I sanded down this chair and painted it green and recovered it in zebra. It is really cute. Leni wanted to take part in the project, so she also helped sand down the chair. She is getting so big!

So this last week our field trip was to Gailey Park, it's right next to our house so it was quite convenient! We met up with our girlfriends Anica, Emily, and Isabel. It was a lot of fun! Emily and Leni had a good time cruising around in our new jogging stroller. It is so light that Emily could push Leni around in the grass... to say the least I love it!


spencerandmolly said...

OH Fun!! You should post some pics with the chair! I want to see it. Leni is getting big holy shiz. Also, just make it with the lemon, i don't love lemon either but you will LOVE IT. I had six people over last night and they all Loved it. love you two, give len len a big smooch.

apparellel said...

the cuteness factor in this blog is too high!!

you definitely have to post a pic of the chair. and i love the pic of leni (and her crocs) holding the sander. she looks so intent. LOVE!!!

Becky said...

Oh my gosh it has been way too long since we've chatted, and your daughter has gotten so big! She is so sweat. What a pretty little lady. You look so good yourself. I'm glad to see that life is treating you well.

Anica said...

Our picnic was so fun. Can't wait to do more fun things with you guys! Thanks for putting up with Emily. She just loves you, thats why she climbs allover you :)