Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Shaner! The big 35 holla holla!

Shaners birthday was yesterday! He turned 35 and we celebrated! It was a great day... love you sweetie!
Nothing like partying in your back yard with Bob Marley, family, and IBC Root Beer!

We went to all you can eat sushi for Shane's Birthday! It was really fun, but surprisingly we both got full on it really fast... who would have thought! I told the waiter that it was Shane's birthday and he did not believe Shane was 35... I laughed because people never think Shane is his age. We had a different waiter help us at the end of the meal because the other guy had gone home. I asked him how old he thought Shane was (because the guy was bringing us some special Japanese ice cream for Shane's birthday). He said "Oh I was talking with the other waiter about it and we were freaking out (in a latin accent)". It was so funny! So apparently these two dudes were in the back checking out Shane while we were eating sushi! I love it. I hope our kids get those good genes, so they look young for a long ole' time.
Uncle Calin, Leni Jane, and Shane dancing the night away!
No... not real beer. But I could be wrong!

Eating at CPK with auntie Carrie. Leni was loving the balsamic and olive oil... no wonder why she is so tiny. Eat some fat kid! PLEASE


spencerandmolly said...

oh that looks fun! Your hair looks super long. I like it. I hope shannon had a good bday! love you all.

apparellel said...

sweet! shane looks great as always, he hasn't aged a day, i swear. i'm envious! you two both look amazing. looks like shane had a great b-day. love you guys!! xoxoxoxoxo