Me and my honey chillaxin at the nephews pirate party!

Uncle Toby, who does not have his own children yet, was holding Leni while she ate a delicious Twix in 100 degree weather!

Okay so these pictures are out of order, but this is my super sassy Leni Bugs! (Mols... this is that Mexican dress you bought Leni a few years ago, it almost fits her!) I bought those cowboy boots at a yard sale. They are all leather and absolutely amazing! They don't quite fit Leni, but when they do she has to wear them. Until then she can have her way!

Aunt Carrie decided to go hot tubbing with Leni... naked! Well as you can see only Leni was naked, but she LOVED it!

Sass matass! She kicked the boots off immediately, well at least I got a pic.

Uncle Calin and Leni playing at Mikey and Seth's water birthday party!

Leni and Grandpa Schmoe (aka Pappa D)

Len actually hit the pinata!!

Leni and one of her favorite people!